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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas...

Let's face it I've been a pretty rubbish blogger this year. I feel I've been going through one of those massively transformational years where the groundwork for the future is being laid out in strange and mysterious ways. I imagine it will be the kind of year I'll look back on and see definite endings and beginnings but at the moment it's still a bit blurry so I've decided to enjoy the present and leave the past and the future to their own devices.

The terrible events in Connecticut this week make me want to hug my children tighter and escape into a better child-like world where fairy bread is still requested for celebrations and Santa is still a very real presence in your life. This will be our last Christmas in this house and surely for one little girl the last Christmas before someone tells her 'there's no such thing as Father Christmas' so I mean to enjoy it with all my heart, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour.

To those of you who have continued to check in on the off-chance I might have something to say, I thank you and to those of you who have just stumbled on this site I promise to do better next year!

To each and everyone of you I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.